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  • Writer's pictureGregory Andrews

Wow, my #ClimateHungerStrike continues!

While I was in hospital, a man I've never met before came up from the south coast of NSW to Canberra and took my place outside Parliament House. When I got out of hospital yesterday, I went to introduce myself to Evan, the Deputy Mayor of Shoalhaven. I gave him my chalk board, updated it to Day 18 and gave him the chalk for future updates. Now Evan has handed the chalk board over to Pam, a retired English-language teacher from Tuggeranong in the ACT and member of Extinction Rebellion Canberra. Tomorrow will be Day 20 and Pam is handing over to Xanthe.

This thing is getting legs of its own. The idea is to keep it going right up to and including the United Nations COP28 meeting in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December. If Prime Minister Albanese keeps ghosting us on our demands for climate action, at least it's going to be awkward for him and the rest of his mob at the international climate change meeting. And the rest of the world will know that Australians have had enough.

I dropped down to Parliament House today to show Pam a bit of solidarity. You can too. You could also choose to join in for a day. Or just sit in solidarity with whoever is there. Evan, has set up an email address for anyone who'd like can offer to volunteer to go hungry for climate action. You can get in contact with him at

Please remember if you do volunteer, not to push yourself too far like I did. Drink lots of fluids, don't go hungry for more than day, and if you have a health condition just sit in solidarity.

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