Lyrebird Dreaming Pty Ltd

I want my children to have the same future and opportunities as the decision-makers in Parliament House today. But the world is on the brink of climate collapse. Billions of people will die from heat stroke, starvation and fossil-fuelled disasters in our lifetimes if we don't take real and fast action. Australia is not immune. Furthermore, we're contributing to the problem by digging up and exporting coal and chopping down our native forests.
That's why in November 2023, I undertook a #ClimateHungerStrike calling on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to commit to real action. I reached millions of Australians on social and mainstream media. Prime Minister Albanese ghosted me, but many politicians and environment, business and community leaders came to speak with me. My favourite conversations were with every day Australians, who like me, want a safe future for our kids and country.
I also invited Australians to join my call and sign a petition which secured thousands of signatures. I'd like to thank everyone who signed my petition and those who visited and supported me.
Some of the media generated from my #ClimateHungerStrike is listed below. You can also read and subscribe to my blog which has lots of informative articles on climate change and the imperative for stronger action by everyone - from governments and the private sector, to each of us as individuals.
I lasted for 16 days on the lawns of Parliament House before my body gave out.
My key demands were all science-based and supported by independents like David Pocock, Sophie Scamps, Allegra Spenda and Andrew Wilkie, as well as the Greens and important environment organisations like the Australian Conservation Foundation and the Bob Brown Foundation. I called for our Government to:
Stop subsidising fossil fuels and redirect these resources to climate action and adaptation;
Commit to an urgent phase out of Australia's massive coal and gas exports;
End native forests logging;
Update Australia's key environment protection law, the EPBC Act, to include climate impacts; and
Immediately release key details of a key Climate Risk Assessment report commissioned by the Government but kept secret and which outlines the national security risks we face.
#ClimateHungerStrike Media
Restoring democracy to avoid climate collapse - Pearls and Irritations.
Climate Hunger Strike - Eco Enthusiast Pod Cast with Abigail Austin.
Gregory Andrews Climate Hunger Strike - Reverend Bill Crews 2GB Radio.
Climate change activist on hunger strike shares first photo from hospital - Daily Mail UK.
Diplomat on hunger strike taken to hospital - Canberra Times.
Hunger strike activist rushed to hospital - Daily Mail UK.
Second climate activist joins Gregory Andrews’ hunger strike - Sky News.
Climate activist taken away in ambulance on day 16 of hunger strike - Sky News.
From diplomat to hunger striker: Gregory is defying fear of death to fight fossil fuels - SMH.
Greens urge climate crusader Gregory Andrews to end strike - Sky News.
Climate change activist on hunger strike marks major milestone - Daily Mail UK.
Climate activist’s hunger strike hits two week mark -
Why Gregory hasn't eaten in two weeks - Tripple J Hack.
Former senior Liberal government adviser Gregory Andrews 14 days into a hunger strike for climate action - ABC News.
Why this Canberra man has stopped eating for more than 13 days - ABC Canberra.
Albo isn't listening - SkyNews.
Write directly to the Prime Minister - Centre for Climate Safety.
Aussie dad's hunger strike to 'protect' kids' future from climate threat - Yahoo News.
Reverend Bill Crews talks to Gregory Andrews about his #ClimateHungerStrike - 2GB.
The man who is willing to die on the Parliament House lawns - Mamamia.
Climate Hunger Games The Australian Way - Centre for Climate Safety.
Interview with Wayne Jansson - No Fibs.
Interview Bec Horridge - Earth Matters.
Albanese's Pacific pledge hypocritical says former diplomat on hunger strike -
Why climate activist has gone on hunger strike outside parliament house - 3AW Melbourne.
On Anthony Albanese and Pacific Security - Yahoo News.
Anti coal protestor risks organ failure due to climate change - Australasian Mine Safety Journal.
Father-of-two starving himself outside Parliament House - The Daily Mail.
Climate Activist Doubles Down on Andrew Bolt - Sky News.
You're Bullying Me - Interview with Andrew Bolt.
I Won't Tolerate Abuse -
I Won't Give Up Until PM Shows Determination - Sky News.
Aussie ambassador on hunger strike for climate action - Perth Now.
Former diplomat on hunger strike - The Daily Mail UK.
Former ambassador goes on climate action hunger strike in front of parliament - The Riot ACT.
Former Ambassador hunger strikes in front of Parliament for climate action - The Canberra Times.